Texas City Phoenix International Terminal

This property consists of 126 acres and is the only available large
industrial site in the immediate vicinity of the Port of Texas City and the Texas City Refinery Complex.
The property is located less than 1 mile from the Port (2 miles from the proposed Shoal Point container terminal) at the intersection
of State Hwy 146 and FM 519 (SH 146 and FM 519 offer direct access to Interstate 45).
The property is currently zoned for
heavy industrial and commercial uses. Rail - Easy and direct rail access as the Texas City Terminal Railway bounds the entire south side of the
- Rail yard operations ties into both Burlington Northern and Santa Fe
(BNSF) and Union Pacific (UP).
- The property has excess capacity to handle the
railcar demand from Port and Refinery activity.
Manufacturing - The property is ideal for heavy manufacturing and pipe yard.
Petrochemical - The site is strategically adjacent
to one of the largest refinery complexes in the United States that allows for 24-hour industrial operations.
Logistics / Distribution - The 126-acre site
has ample capacity to handle truck traffic to and from the Port, State Hwy 146, FM 519, and Interstate 45.
Water - Serviced by the City of La Marque.
12” water line 600 feet from the property line. Two deep (600’) water wells are located on-site. One well operational.
Sewer - Serviced by private Gulf Coast Waste
Disposal Authority. Dow 36” sewer line tie-in at northwest corner of the property.
Electricity - Serviced by Texas New Mexico
Power Company. High tension power line servicing the original Tex Tin Smelter. The lines run along north side of property.
Gas - Serviced by Pan American Gas Company.
4” line servicing the property. There are numerous fuel pipelines (Valero, Union Carbide, Air Liquide, etc.), and a
live oxygen line along FM 519.
Environmental - Former Superfund site (former tin and copper smelter). One of two such sites in the nation to be
granted a full “Ready for Reuse” certificate issued (cleanup activities completed) in calender year 2003 by the
EPA. Future uses on the site strictly limited to the City of Texas City zoning requirements (heavy industrial).
©2017 BRUBAKER Group * 8549 Wilshire Blvd Ste 110, Beverly
Hills, CA 90211 * (424) 239-6221 * Lic#01815508